Questions to ask to understand NYC’s Corboda House mosque

I wanted to report about this, but my sources are slow, or no coming.  It’s bizarre that specific peoples cannot help but understand the prospect of the Corboda mosque being built near Ground Zero as a provocation.

A patriotic Muslim

Islam’s devotion to peace, love, and family – traditional American values – is very common knowledge.  We “know” that Islam is a faith devoted to peace, and that only a few Muslims have been terrorists, and then Islam mustn’t be the foe.  The same rancor would have to erupt over whether a church or a synagogue was to be erected near Ground Zero, right?  It’s about terrorism, not faith.  Right?

The uproar and seemingly rampant ignorance is shocking, and it isn’t.  We each choose those “facts” that we want to believe, no matter if they hold a base in reality.  A phallanx of people, willfully confused and barely informed, still wants to believe extremely conservative propaganda – that Islam contradicts peace.

But there’s also a confounding gray area: We each also cling to biases that we hold dear. Our mamas and daddies taught us life lessons, which may no longer serve us.

My former rhetoric professor mentioned that, with the protracted construction process that New York City, or any metropolis, has Corboda mosque’s process was probably begun before the towers were struck.

Why is that that bogeyman image attracts us with such ease and comfort us, like Häagen Daaz, or any kind, ice cream on a blistering hot day?

In stressful eras, (like a grievous recession) these images, common foes, and fears unite us.  Rhetorically speaking, people need an enemy to concentrate on.  Is it as simple as the conviction that “those” people, who look so different from us, who can’t possibly live as we do, can’t embrace the same “traditional values” that we do?

Many of us “say” that we want to live as a united people.  It’s morose how easy and often it happens that people are willfully ignorant, or cling to now wilted convictions, and want to emphasize division over a promise, at least, of unity.